
Monday, February 13, 2012

Pray with me?

Father God, we praise, thank and glorify Your name. 
We honor You and we worship You.

No one knows our future but You, You are our only assurance.

We know we are destined for greatness, because we are created in Your image and likeness.
We know we are designed for good, because You are our God.
We know we have a lot more to learn, unlearn and relearn in new ways, through people, events and circumstances to allow us to grow.

As we take responsibility for choosing and defining our own lives, guide us.
As we take an active role in preparing our future, lead us to the right path.
As we take life’s challenges, trials and tribulations, show us the way.

Help us learn from our past and celebrate today!
Help us choose life every day, with its joy, despair, hope and pain!
Help us continue to be willing to risk, embrace change, and love again.

   At the same time, help us make peace with death, because it tells us we don’t have forever and not waste time.
At the same time, help us be open… to accept, give and receive… your graces, your blessings through “angels” you are continuously sending …
At the same time, help us remember, that whichever path we take, You are there.

And we are grateful.

In Jesus’ Name. 


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